Tuesday 4 June 2024

Lactose tolerant

Disclaimer: this post was written in December 2023, and scheduled for future posting. Its contents may no longer be accurate or appropriate.

Apparently, today is National Cheese Day. I know, me neither. I imagine it was dreamed up by whatever the cheese equivalent of the old Milk Marketing Board is. Whatever, here are some cheese "facts" I have shamelessly cribbed, almost verbatim, from another website:

  • According to data from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the countries with the highest per capita cheese consumption are France, Iceland, and Finland.
  • The world's most expensive cheese is called Pule and is made from donkey milk. It is produced in Serbia and can cost up to £500 per pound.
  • According to the International Dairy Foods Association, the first cheese is believed to have been created serendipitously more than 4,000 years ago. Apparently an Arabian merchant had put his supply of milk into a pouch made from a sheep's stomach. Leaving it all day, rennet from the stomach caused the milk to separate into curds and whey.... and the rest is cheestory.
  • The UK produces over 700 varieties of cheese, making it one of the largest cheese producers in the world. Well done us.

So there's only one song to feature today, isn't there? Besides, the blog could use some Tim Minchin...

And all I can say to The Man Of Cheese is, it's probably a good thing this song didn't exist when we were at school, because it's all you would have heard from some quarters...Tip the author


  1. I wasn't aware it was National Cheese Day so thanks for the alert. I will celebrate appropriately.

    1. Ha, indeed. Cheese omelette for lunch today...

  2. I've often wondered how foods are 'discovered' - that someone somewhere has to be the first to think, you know what, I'll try *eating* that stuff. I can only extend my sincere thanks to that Arabian merchant for taking what would seem to be quite a big risk. Could have been a real stomach-churner (sorry).

    1. I often think the same about tea. Someone thought, urgh, those leaves taste horrible in salad. I know, I'll pick them, chop the tips off, shred them, dry them, and then pour boiling water over them for a refreshing drink. What are we missing because no-one has thought of it yet...?

  3. The Man Of Cheese8 June 2024 at 06:12

    Has to be my favourite day of the year for obvious reasons! Roll on national bread day...

    1. October 16th for bread day. But November 17th for homemade bread day. Whoever knew there were so many "days"...
