Monday 17 June 2024

Already seven years ago

Disclaimer: this post was written in December 2023, and scheduled for future posting. Its contents may no longer be accurate or appropriate.

I don't understand how this is already seven years ago, this very day. Where does the time go?

When they first returned to the fray, original lead guitarist Ed Bazalgette was involved, as you can see, and I liked that. Nothing against Dave's son Dan, who has slotted into place nicely in subsequent years, but when it comes to reforming, three quarters of the original line-up will always be better than half. Anyway, seven years ago today... enjoy!Tip the author


  1. Oh, don't Martin, I get that sinking feeling about the passing of time! I remember the post you wrote after this gig and have just gone back to read it. Seven years. Gulp. On the plus side, nice clip and song!

    1. I know it's impossible, but it does feel that time is going faster...

    2. I should add, this is the gig write-up I posted seven years ago, that C mentions here, should anybody else want to read it...
