Wednesday 17 January 2024

Yes It Is

Disclaimer: this post was written in December 2023, and scheduled for future posting. Its contents may no longer be accurate or appropriate.

In 1976, EMI re-released all The Beatles UK singles. They had matching green front covers, and release-appropriate photographs on the back, much like these:

Ticket To Ride 1976 re-relase - backTicket To Ride 1976 re-relase - front

I can't remember the who, when or how but at some point somebody bought me two of these. They quickly became especially important to me, in part because I had very few records of my own back then. I had I Want To Hold Your Hand b/w This Boy and Ticket To Ride b/w Yes It Is (above). I'm not going to write about the A-sides, because there can't be many people in the known universe who aren't already familiar with them. But I hope this explains why This Boy and Yes It Is are, for me, every bit as familiar, engrained, and beloved.

So why am I posting about a sexagenarian song now, in 2024, rather than at any other point in this blog's longish and undistinguished history? Well, brace yourselves for a tenuous link, because today is Susanna Hoff's 65th (?!) birthday, giving me all the excuse I need to post a live radio rendition of Yes It Is by The Bangles, itself now twelve years old.

Happy birthday, Susanna (obligatory sigh, etc...)Tip the author


  1. Oh Susanna (obligatory sigh, etc...). Some deft blog work there, Martin, drawing us in on the pretext of The Beatles and unveiling the true jewel that is Ms. Hoffs. Brightened my day no end.

    1. Yes, it's a great song, a lovely performance... and Susanna! Triple bonus!

  2. I got a few of these in '76 too. Certainly Walrus & Paperback Writer - they're the ones I remember.
    Hoffs is a doll, isn't she? Oh, God! Am I even allowed to think that, yet alone blurt it out?


  3. The Man Of Cheese19 January 2024 at 10:15

    Not 100 % sure but didn't you blog to celebrate the Hoffsters 60th? If it was you that felt as if it was about 6 months ago so rather scary in terms of time passing.
    If it wasn't you then just ignore me!

    1. Good recall, sir! Though it wasn't her 60th but her 62nd, and I blogged for it/her here. So only three years, not five, have somehow raced by in the last six months. Time, eh?

    2. Actually, a quick search of the blog for the name Susanna reveals I have written about Ms Hoffs rather a lot over the years. Obligatory sigh, etc.

  4. The Man Of Cheese19 January 2024 at 13:18

    Clearly because you are an admirer of her artistic talent of course!

  5. You just flout that restraining order any chance you get, don't you?
