Wednesday 31 January 2024

Happy birthday, Debi...

Disclaimer: this post was written in December 2023, and scheduled for future posting. Its contents may no longer be accurate or appropriate.

I'm sort of permanently enamoured of Minnie Driver, whose 54th birthday it is today. "Debi" was her character in Grosse Pointe Blank, as you will know if you'd read my post about when I met Minnie at CarFest '22.

No songs today (although Minnie has had a recording career too), just posting this so I can watch and listen to Minnie talk films. Sigh...

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  1. Hang on, Minnie, you were 15 in 1986? (Actually, according to iffypedia, you were 16, but I'm sure you know best.) I thought you were a lot older than me. Rather than just a year or two. Sigh.

    I was always rather taken with her version of Hungry Heart.
