Thursday 25 January 2024

How we used to live

Disclaimer: this post was written in December 2023, and scheduled for future posting. Its contents may no longer be accurate or appropriate.

A mid-programme selection of television adverts from ITV and the long hot summer of 1976.

Lots to enjoy here: the deadpan pay-off from the Birds Eye voiceover; the Smash robots; Bernard Cribbins voicing a prototype Busby for BT; Lorraine Chase on a Campari ad ("Nice 'ere, innit?"); the Bilko-esque Corona fizzical; an of-its-time slice of 70s machismo for Yorkie; and a hot-off-the press ad for cold Guinness, reacting to the (then) unprecedented heatwave.

Tip the authorA simpler time, and better for it, I think.


  1. Simpler times indeed.
    I can remember most of these.
    Great stuff.

    1. I'd forgotten until this that Bernard Cribbins voiced Busby for BT.

  2. Ah, the memories. Always good to hear Bernard Cribbins' voice. I'm happy to confirm that Lorraine Chase looks - and is - still as lovely as ever; we see her quite often as she stays with friends over the road.

    1. But does she say, "Nice 'ere, innit?"

    2. I've no idea, but I bet she never tires of hearing it said to her by random strangers!

  3. How is it that I can sing along with every word of a Yorkie advert that I haven't seen for the best part of half a century, yet can barely remember what I did yesterday?
