Sunday 24 December 2023

Sunday shorts: Prelude 12/21

Time to blow the dust off the Sunday Shorts series. This is Prelude 12/21 by Californian rock outfit AFI (short for A Fire Inside, so I'm told). It's not my usual bag and I know nothing about him/them, I just heard it used as backing music on an old TV programme and thought, "I've got a Christmas blog post with your name on." Appropriately enough for the season, it comes from a 2006 album entitled December Underground...

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  1. Thanks for all your posts, music and thoughts this year, Martin, I know it hasn't been easy at times and I'm so pleased you've kept going. Have a lovely Christmas and best wishes to you and family, hope you can take some time off too!

    1. Thank you, C. Merry Christmas to you too :)
