Monday 16 August 2021

Monday long song: I Am The Resurrection

Forget the nonsense spewing out of Ian Brown lately, and instead remember him and his bandmates like this.

For me, this song will always evoke the jukebox in The Cherry Tree pub, where The Man Of Cheese and I would go pound halves and take it in turns to choose songs. On the jukebox in question, all songs by The Smiths and Morrissey had been scrubbed out in black marker, because the landlord was not a fan - an early example of cancel culture, perhaps? Anyway, I would usually put this song on as my last choice, partly because it is bloody great (especially from the 3:40 mark onwards) but also because, at 8:12 on the jukebox version, it was good value for money too.


  1. The Man Of Cheese19 August 2021 at 21:43

    Great times, made even greater when surely the best ever pub quiz machine The Crystal Maze was in operation. If you also collected enough gold tickets for the £5 win- the night was complete..
