Saturday 7 August 2021

Don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind (and rain) blows

The New Amusements clan is off on its holidays soon. I've just checked Dark Sky for the forecast at our destination, and it shows a pretty clean sweep of umbrella icons for the duration of our stay. So there's only one song to play in response, isn't there, and it's this, another long-term occupant of my YouTube Watch Later list.

Rain were an guitar band from Liverpool in the late 80s and early 90s. If they'd come along a couple of years later, in the wake of Oasis, let's say, they might have been huge. As it is they, like neighbouring band The Real People, never really got out of second gear. Their debut album, A Taste of Rain, garnered mild controversy for its arresting cover (which was like this but without the carefully placed sticker), but at least also gave rise to a couple of singles, Lemonstone Desired, and this, A Taste of Rain.


  1. Really hope you can dodge the showers on holiday! Wishing you a good time and well-deserved break.
    I remember Rain - I think I had a track or two on some freebie comp or something - very much of the time and place.

  2. Rain and The Real People? Ah yes, I remember them well. In fact I believe I saw them both at least once. How did 'Taste of Rain' escape the ears of REM's lawyers? The verse lifts melodically from '(Don't Go Back To) Rockville' fairly blatantly I reckon.
    Have a splendid holiday Martin. Bring me back a stick of rock.

  3. The Man Of Cheese7 August 2021 at 22:13

    For Lemonstone Desired I'm getting Where I Find My Heaven of Gigolo Aunts fame spring to mind. Not a bad thing as a fine tune! Happy hols!
