Tuesday 4 June 2019

About legends

I have one of those Amazon Echo devices. I've mentioned it before, but for the avoidance of doubt I didn't buy it, wouldn't ever buy it, it was a freebie. Still, it does get used a bit, even (occasionally) by me.

Anyway, every week Amazon send a promo email, highlighting new things that the Echo or, more precisely, the Alexa app it runs, can do. Today's email was promoting the Alexa "skill of the month" which, brace yourselves, is a Deal or No Deal game. The email includes this artwork...

We define our legends very differently, Alexa, you and I...


  1. I guess we should just be grateful he's not 'iconic'.

    I've noticed more and more companies offering 'free' echo devices and incentives, seems to me there is definitely something dodgy going on...

    1. Oh god, please, not iconic...

      They're offered freely or cheaply, I think, because they are another great way of harvesting personal information, tastes, preferences, interests... and of course that has value. So they're basically loss-leaders for Amazon, Google and the rest. How dispiriting.
