Wednesday 7 February 2024

It's too bad we gotta get old

Sadly, but inevitably, I guess, I'm breaking my own sabbatical for another (somewhat belated) RIP post. He might have been in Predator and, for Amusements Minor's generation, The Mandalorian but for me Carl Weathers will always be Apollo Creed. As such, he fills an important part in my personal film-watching history (Rocky was on ITV4 again last night, for the n-hundredth time, so I watched it, for the n-hundredth time). He also provided me with much quotable dialogue, particularly useful in banter with my good friend Tim, for whom the Rocky films are also important.

Here's the closing scene from Rocky III. Yes, it's in a toss-up with V for the worst film in the franchise, but it does have this nice scene, at least. You want to ring the bell, Carl? "Ding, ding..."

Only one of these men looked like a credible heavyweight boxer...Only one of these men looked like a credible heavyweight boxer

Here's a proper obit for Carl. Just keep punching, Apollo.Tip the author


  1. Snap. I said goodbye to Carl also today. And even found room for his 1981 single!
