Monday 23 April 2018


Unfairly but understandably, Cinerama were often overlooked by a large proportion of Wedding Present fans who just wanted Gedge to get back to doing what he's always done best - laying kitchen sink heartbreak over jangly guitars. For a long time, I was part of that large proportion; I could appreciate the Cinerama recordings but I pined for what had gone before.

Eventually, I came to realise that Gedge was still doing what he did best - the kitchen sink heartbreak - but was just painting it on a different musical canvas.

Don't get me wrong, I will always choose TWP over Cinerama, but that doesn't mean the latter isn't great. I mean - just have a listen to this:

Increase the amount of Cinerama in your life here.


  1. I loved Cinerama. Even saw them live, the time that Gedge was running his own merchandise stall. Had a nice chat with him and I didn't even buy a T-shirt.

    1. Happily, he seems to have carried that habit into his TWP activities. Well, maybe not running the merch stall, but certainly hanging around it, before and after the show.
