Friday 10 July 2020

I'm sorry to serve this up but you need to watch it

I know hindsight is 20/20 but, in case you were wondering why the UK has had a disproportionately high number of COVID-19 related cases and deaths, here's an excellent, factual and depressing recap of the actions taken by the absolute shower that run this country. Really worth watching, because there's a danger, I think, that we are getting used to the combination of ineptitude and arrogant disregard served up to us by Johnson, Gove, Rees-Mogg, Patel and the unelected Cummings, just because it is served up so very often. And if too many people get used to it, if too many just accept it ... it becomes normalised, and that should not - must not - happen. Because when you string all the bad and ambivalent decisions together like this, God, it beggars belief.

With the size of the Tory majority, and the fixed-term parliament act, we are almost certain to be stuck with this shower until 2024...


  1. I thought this was excellent, but so scary, so worrying. I feel more and more out-of-step with my country, and the world.

    1. It doesn't feel like those running the show are either interested in who they represent, or are even competent... scary is right.
