Wednesday 29 April 2020

About the great(er) depression

My timeline is full of "the greater depression" today, thanks to this this article from The Grauniad, and Twitter running with it, like Twitter tends to do.

Anyway, this gives me an excuse (not that I usually need one) to post The Jam. This is from their last ever live TV performance, on what was also the first episode of The Tube. Broadcast on the 5th of November, 1982, Paul, Bruce and Rick gave quite the mini gig for the show, playing Ghosts, Town Called Malice, This Is The Modern World, In The Crowd, The Great Depression, Move On Up, and their Precious/War segué. Amazing really that there was time for anything else on the show.

I could almost craft some sort of new theme from this, couldn't I, around firsts and lasts, but I can't be arsed. Here's the song instead.


  1. The Man Of Cheese29 April 2020 at 21:56

    A "decade of despair"-now that's a cheery thought as we approach the big 50! Hard to disagree with though,we can only hope things will be more positive for our kids in years to come. Smile like you mean it....

    1. Cheery indeed, is it not? But yes, fingers crossed for the next generation...
