Tuesday 5 November 2019

37 days to go

Just wondering... on the day we commemorate an attempt to blow up Parliament, I'm curious how you're feeling about the election... don't worry, it's anonymous, I have no idea how you're voting.

Oh, and if you need some help deciding, you could try Who Should You Vote For... it was pretty on the money for me.


  1. I've just done the online questionnaire above and as with you it was absolutely on the money but sadly my result was a party that, at present, will never get enough seats first past the post. Worrying times.

    1. Am in the same boat. Where I live is so true blue, all the others could join forces and still not win...

  2. Where are the Monster Raving Loony Party when you need them? Oh, hang on...

    1. and yes, did the test, expected Green, got Green, but know Green won't get in here!
