Wednesday 6 March 2019


I saw a bloke this morning, going about his business on the school run, wearing a trilby. And not in an ironic way, or to be a hipster. Just wearing a trilby, as a trilby, because it was a bit cold and a bit drizzly. This pleased me no end.

When I was a kid, my dad had a trilby. He never wore it, it just hung on the coat rack in the hall. The only time it would ever come down would be for me to dress up as this guy:

I don't know whether Dad still has that hat, but I'll ask him next time I visit. Maybe I can purloin it. I won't wear it (it'll clash with my Jeff Goldblum glasses, obviously) but I would like to have it, I think, to remind me of times past.

You might be expecting me to post something from much-lauded Blue Nile album Hats, to go with this, but no - partly because that's too obvious, partly because I've never really rated it. But I'm thinking of those past times, the 1970s, and Albion. This seems better suited.


  1. Never rated "Hats"?!?!?!? What sort of sick puppy are you? "The Downtown Lights",
    "Let's Go Out Tonight", "Saturday Night" - what's not to love?!?!?

    Go immediately to listen to this live cover version of "Saturday Night" by Gary Clark (who says "Some song, eh?) during his rendition of same and allow it to cleanse your soul of cynicism. No need to thank me.

    1. Based on your enthusiasm, and the fact that I am older (and hopefully wiser) than last time I listened to it, I will gladly give it another go.

    2. Granted, that Gary Clark cover is pleasant enough :)

  2. I'm sure you would look most dapper in a trilby, with or without the specs! It's a shame we don't wear so many hats these days in a way, I'm a fan of the sort that young women wore in the 1920s. My nan was still wearing those in the '70s by which time of course they just looked like old lady hats, and it only dawned on me recently that old ladies wore them because they would have been at the height of fashion in their own youth. Just like me wearing pointy boots or a fluffy jumper perhaps. Oh...!

    1. All true... except for the part about me looking dapper. Sad to say I don't think I've ever looked dapper, or anything close to it, in my life!
