Wednesday, 1 January 2025

I can't help myself... I'm back, for one more lap of the sun at least. Sabbatical over, and mostly adhered to (except when RIPs and elections prompted a few posts), I regret to say that I haven't achieved much of anything in the way of new creative writing in the last year, as I'd hoped. I'm not sure that I missed blogging that much either - make of that what you will. Maybe I'm only in it for the comments, but there's the catch-22.

Regardless, here we go again because, as we have established, I can't help myself. Will you share every sorrow?

And happy new year.Tip the author


  1. The Man Of Cheese1 January 2025 at 10:50

    A warm welcome back sir. "For tomorrow is mine?" We will see.............

  2. Welcome back. I would say you were missed, but it didn't really feel like you went anywhere.

    Happy New Year!

    1. Cheers, Rol, and a happy new year to you and yours too.

  3. He's back! Although - as Rol says, it was good to feel you were still around with all your pre-prepared posts and occasional extras last year.
    Here's to inspiration and creativity for '25.

  4. I honestly don’t know know how you pulled it off last year, Martin, an hugely impressive achievement. Great to have you back in ‘real time’, blogging what you want, when you want. And Gene’s as good a way as any to kick off 2025. Happy New Year!
