Wednesday, 6 November 2024

Liberty at a loss

Liberty at a loss


  1. Replies
    1. Sadly, yes. Also sadly, I made this with an AI tool, mostly. I say mostly because the AI tool had pictured Liberty on her usual pedestal in the background, as well as sitting in the foreground, so I had to use my HI skills in Paint.NET to remove the surplus Liberty. Which is fitting, in a way, as it feels like surplus liberty has also been removed in the US.

  2. I've seen a few like this using Liberty - hats off to your AI skills. Apt as you say, the removal of surplus liberty. The world watches with baited breath.

    1. It gets worse with every announcement of his next "top pick" for some high office or other. I have an American friend who, in her own words, is fearful.
