Thursday 31 August 2023

New to NA: Marseille

I can't remember how or where I stumbled upon this track by Marseille. I don't know much (anything) about the band either, other than what I can hear, which is that they grew up listening to their parents' Roses, Bluetones and La's albums, and inherited not only those influences but their influences' influences too.

What I can tell you is that I rather like this, and you might too.

Tip the authorFrom what I can see Marseille have neither a Bandcamp nor Soundcloud presence, but they do have this handy Linktree should you, like me, want to know more.


  1. I just flicked through their YouTube channel and, as you say, Marseille certainly wear their influences loudly and proudly, but they have a few good tunes going on so it'll be interesting to see how they develop. I do feel appallingly, catastrophically ancient now though.

    1. I know what you mean. Damn the young and their youthfulness!

  2. While it's nice to see the kids still messing around with guitars... god, they look young!

    1. I know, feel like I could pass for their grandad.
