Sunday 30 December 2018

There she blew

So, the pic on the right is being used to advertise... "flatulence filtering garments". Yes, really.

The headline "There she blows" is followed by this picture, and then the following customer testimonial:

I am absolutely amazed by the quality and efficiency of your fart-filtering clothes. I can go out with my friends now and I haven't done that in YEARS!"

Flatulence filtering garments? Fart-filtering clothes? What the...?

The company behind this unbelievable venture is called Shreddies, which might be enough to put you off your breakfast. What a time to be alive...

Oh, and if your friends are that irked by your wind, you've probably got the wrong friends. Just saying.


  1. I noticed your previous post about this. I would have never guessed natural gas release. I actually grew up thinking women didn't fart. Well ok, I learned I was wrong at an early age but still. Maybe she could use looser jeans.

    1. Interesting, isn't it - despite the headline and the woman in the photo, this ad was in a men's room.

  2. What?! I'd never have guessed it. Do they line them with charcoal or something? And they really work, do they? Can I buy some right now please? (Christmas food...)

    1. Unbelievable, isn't it? People will, it seems, buy anything these days.
