Friday, 16 March 2018

"Ladies and gentlemen, the clown show has been put on hiatus for retooling."


  1. Put another shilling in the meter!

    1. Brilliant! But down to coppers at the mo.

  2. Sometimes you just have to turn it off and turn it on again... :-)

  3. The problem with technology these days is that you can't just hit it to make it work again.

    My first television - give it a thump and the picture settled down.

    My first car - pop the bonnet and rap random bits of metal with a spanner (or hold a hairdryer over a certain part for a few minutes). Voila: it started.

    If you like, Martin, I could pop round and give you a slap. See if that does the trick.

    1. My first TV - wave the indoor aerial around lots, before ending up with it back where it started...

      My first car - spray some godawful chemical into the carburettor until life was restored.

      This blog - I need to rediscover its (and my) purpose. Yes, a slap, basically.
