Thursday 6 February 2020

Not just Spartacus

Kirk Douglas has died, aged 103, after a life that can only be described as incredible, by anyone's standards.

The first film I remember seeing him in was The Vikings, then Spartacus, then the astonishing Lust for Life, then The Final Countdown (which I remember as being far better than it had any right to be). I loved his turn in Saturn 3 (am I alone in my appreciation of this film?). Greedy is fun too. And then there's this, from Paths of Glory, without which there probably would have been no Spartacus, at least not as we know it now.

(Also, no Kirk would have meant no Michael either... so no Fatal Attraction, no Basic Instinct, no Wonder Boys, no Falling Down and, most importantly, no The Game, again not as we know them now, at least.)

Oh, and he voiced Chester J. Lampwick too...

Rest in peace, Kirk. You've earned it.

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